Poetry. me and stars

Poetry. me and stars
Look at the vast sky
And all seasons keep changing
Keep playing clouds
Arranging dreams with my imagination
Always dreaming of my day

Have you ever seen a star
Shining white full of hope
His soft hands opened
Try to accompany me, approach me
Always light my dark night

And feel all the stars
Calling your laughter to fly up
Leave all, only us and stars

Cross to the wide sky
With the seasons keep changing
Keep playing clouds
stringing dreams with my imagination
always dreaming of my day

Have you ever seen a star
glowing white full of hope
His soft hands opened
try to approach me
always light my dark night

And feel all the stars
Calling your laughter to fly up
leave all
only us and stars
The most beautiful though forgotten
And always light the world
They're figuring out, just me and the stars ...


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